Content Management Systems (CMS) are designed to facilitate the creation, editing, and maintenance of a website. While the feature set varies by application, they all have the same basic design goals:
- Streamline the process of creating and editing content
- Maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the site
- Simplify administrative tasks
- Automate site navigation features such as menus and search
Save time
Updating website content manually is a time consuming process. Let's look at the steps required with and without a CMS. Repetitive items such as menus are centrally configured or automatically generated.
Save money
In addition to streamlining the editing process, the CMS also reduces overhead by lowering the burden on IT staff. Once experience in HTML and server-side programming are no longer a barrier to website maintenance content creators can be more self sufficient .
Manually | With CMS |
Locate Document | Locate Document |
Download Document | |
Edit Document | Edit Document |
Upload Document |
Better results
A great website is a work in progress. As it is updated and edited it's quality and value increases. A CMS increases the frequency of these updates by removing many of the obstacles and disincentives associated with these tasks.
We currently support Drupal, and custom sites written in HTML and PHP.